Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ecumenism or Assimilation?

Hello, this is the Unamalgamated Inquisitor
How pleased I am to see you all here. The birds are singing on the trees, the Sun's golden rays reflecting off the morning dew. It is surprising what innocent and agreeable pleasures we lose every morning.

Todays topic of inquiry is this: Whats the difference between Ecumenism and assimilation?

Are these two terms interchangable? Do we necessary need assimilation before ecumenism? The inquisitor says assimilation is necessary for ecumenism. However, the question (and what a big problem this is) comes with 'who will be assimilated'?

Being a hater of coffee naturally i will often use coffee related examples in my articles. Instant Coffee Powder + water = instant coffee.
Both give away a little of their properties and we have an end result containing both the properties of coffee powder and water but are neither coffee powder nor water.
This seems to be the reigning version of Catholic ecumenism these days. Catholic + protestant = Catholic Ecumenism. We compromise, we adopt practices of the protestants, actually more like them charismatic my-religion-is-not-a-religion religions, whose services consist of a charismatic cult leader talking about success in life that results in better profit and Church sing-along sessions. Suddenly every religion leads to truth. So since they all lead to truth, shall we just drop our faith and become theosophical? Shall we just promote Buddhism instead of Christianity? Shall we put a statue of Guanyin in the grotto of our Blessed Mother?
Shall we give in and say that Muhammad indeed is the prophet of God and the Jews are right about the Messiah?
They all lead to truth anyways. "NO!" the inquisitor says. Because compromising is not an option. Compromising is putting coffee powder into water and coffee powder will no longer be coffee powder. Catholicism will no longer be catholicism when mixed with protestant practices.

It is just a practice, you might say. But adopting foreign practises will eventually lead to the a change in beliefs too. Already we have catholic priests who claim things like a Saint Martin Luther and that all religions lead to truth. How much more defiantion from the truth faith are we willing to compromise so we can adopt to the norms of the world. So we can 'play nice' and undermine our traditional background just to please the world.

There is only ONE truth. And this Truth is God. And the path to this truth is the church that God Himself created. Everything else is man made, every other path.

Do not mistake Ecumenism with "Religious Tolerance" these two are completely different.
Just because I disagree with my muslim friend's belief doesnt mean that I have to kill him or hate him. That is Religious Tolerance. To try to convince my friend to convert, that is ecumenism. If I Kiss the 95 theses of Martin Luther and making a lutheran believe im accepting that the reformation was necessary, thats selling out, thats the Novus Ordo (non traditional) Catholic ecumenism, the scourge of the church in the opinions of the Unamalgamated Inquistor.

True ecumenism is only possible when we can convince other Christians to follow the one true path. Not the other way round. Not adopting protestant practises while holding on to certain choice Catholic traditions. The Inquisitor will accept nothing but the whole package. Or he might as well become a mormon who believes in the true Presence.


Blogger Vidimusdominum said...

Perhaps for the readers who are not so familar, you could share what these 'Protestant Practices' are; comparing it with the traditional practices of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. So as to expose the diluted product we have today.

6:17 AM  
Blogger Unamalgamated Inquisitor said...

Yes perhaps in the future i shall put a post on the similarities of the practices between the heretics and the modernists.
Thank you for leaving a comment my friend.

8:11 AM  

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