Monday, November 20, 2006

Alliance against Theosophical Liberal Catholics

Good day My beloved Brethen and assorted bunch of heretics and schismatics who frequent my blog.

Someone mentioned to me one day "your blog's entries have nothing to do with Theosophical Societies!' Who exactly are we against?

The first Theosophical society was formed in 1875, by this lovely lady Helena Petrovna Hahn,
or "Madame Blavatsky". Mdm Blavatsky claimed that all religions contained some truth and is only misinterpreted by inperfect men who can only see a little of the truth. In short none of the religions owned the whole truth but are partly true. Therefore all of them are false yet contains some aspect of truth. Through the application of New Science can we discover truth.

This is a very sweet thing and everyone loves the 'ooh lets forget our differences and put flowers on our heads' feeling. I might like to eat poisoned apples, but that doenst mean poisoned apples are good. Theosophy is the poisoned apple.
Why is it so? Liberalism has been around since the beginning of time. The slimy little snake saying to Eve "You certainly will not die! No, God knows well that the moment you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods who know what is good and what is bad."
Since the beginning, liberalism has been around. Liberate ourselves from the confinement of God's rules and teachings. Liberate ourselves to things that we want, rather then things that is the will of God.

In such we start to believe in everything we want to believe. We start to believe that God gave truth to all religions and all religions lead to Him. We start to believe in ourselves rather then God. Truth is only one. There can only be one truth and the rest are false. Or all of them are false. It will be a logical contradiction to believe that all religions are true since all teachings contradict each other.

Although this blog's title is an Alliance against Theosophical Societies, its true enemy are the Liberal Catholics. Whom in their belief has turned them theosophical. Why is it so? Modernist Catholics believe that all religions lead to truth. They believe that though Truth is unchanging, there are other ways to truth other then the catholic way. Therefore, you will reach God if you are a protestant heretic, you will go to heaven even if you do not believe in Christ and reject Him. So long as you keep your faith in whatever religion you are in, you are fine.
I believe the logical extension of this belief will be to become Theosophical. The "Theosophical Societies" that this Alliance is against is the Liberal Catholics. The ones who have no respect for tradition that our Lord has laid down, and so engaged in the modern world that anything goes. The desire for ecumenism has led the Liberal catholics to put their faith (which is handed down by God) on par with other faith. They believe that 'your faith is as good as mine so long as you believe in God".

Nothing is further from the truth. If all faith leads to God, then why bother be catholic? I might as well become buddhist or muslim. It wouldnt make a difference. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself has laid the foundations of His Church when he said to Peter "And I say to thee, That thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell will not prevail against it."(matthew 16:18) The Catholic church, led first by Peter, is the Church our Lord founded. The others, are creations of men. Martin Luther, John Wesley, King Henry VIII and many others. They are men. They believed that they can know the truth. But since Vatican II, modernist and liberal catholics are beginning to forsake the ways of the church that God build to follow the ways of churches created by men. The new mass, is created by six protestant ministers so it can be more acceptable to the world outside the church.
The Church is changing itself to 'fit the time'. Ok, this all sounds sweet and gooey. Does that mean that soon we will having buddhist idols in our churches and have a rock concert inside our church where the Tabernacle is? The sad thing is, these atrocities have already been done.
Authorized by liberal bishops and priests.Even bishops and priests, who is supposed to uphold traditions and know what they are doing, agrees to such atrocities. What chances will the common laity hold? "the priest says this is OK, who are you to decide that it is wrong? You are spiritually immature!" And the next thing you see the priest dancing around on stage like a
monkey holding the Monstrance. (you can find the video clip from youtube about this real incident by a liberal bishop) An utter sacrilege.

"Indeed deliberate and notable irreverence towards the Holy Eucharist is reputed the worst of all sacrileges"-

And it is.

This is the fruit of Vatican II, this is the result of compromising with the world. We surrender the ways God passed down as sacred tradition for popular worldy beliefs. We surrendered the sacred mass for singalong sessions created by schismatical heretics(the protestants and no I refuse to call them 'our separated brethen').

You have a choice, 'eat the sweet apple called liberalism and join the crowd. Or follow our King our Lord in His teachings passed down.' (and no im not talking about the 'manifestations' that is going on in some non-denominational denominations, dont play God like that. Its sacrilegious)

Yours Unamalagamatedly,

The Unamalagamated Inquisitor


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