Sunday, April 15, 2007

True and False Obedience

Dear Brethren.


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Good evening my friends,

This is the Unamalgamated Inquisitor.
It is amazing how life twists. How decisions changes things and how it all turns out well through the grace of God. A valued friend of the Inquisitor wanted to be a seminarian, but he was not able to make it, however through God's grace he met this special girl half way across the globe.
It all turns out to be right.
Whatever that seems to be wrong, many times turn out to be better in the end. Whatever calumities that you are experiencing now, it might turn out better in the future. In such, the Inquisitor knows that the church will return to its roots and dispel the errors within. Its a matter of time and we have the Holy Ghost's guidance.

Today's topic of discussion is about Obedience.

Many times I've tried to invite friends from the Novus Ordo Catholic church to look at SSPX, but many times they cringed and never did appear. They gave alot of reasons for not turning up, but the truth is that they fear that coming to SSPX is being disobedient to the local parish, they fear that participating in the traditional mass of the SSPX will result in partaking in the rites of schism.

Is the SSPX truly disobedient when they refused to accept the new rites?

According to Aristotle, for every virtue, there are excess and defect.
For the virtue of Courage, if you have too little of it you are a coward.
If you have too much of it, you become rash. True courage is when you have neither too much nor too little. True courage is the 'right amount'. A little like how much salt you put in your food before it can taste well.

Likewise, the great theologian St Thomas Aquinas advocated that there are two errors in obedience. One can be disobedient(defect), or can also have false obedience(excess).

For one to be disobedient to the Church, he or she will show no regards and no respect to the Pope, believing that no man has authority and believe that excommunications are meaningless (since they do not adhere to the laws of the church).
The protestants are perfect examples of disobedience. When Luther broke off from the authority of the church, he expresses a great deal of disobedience. (Disobedience is of course never a trait for saintliness)

And here we have the lack of obedience. Can we have too much obedience? It is possible that we have too much obedience when we believe that the pope is infallible in everything; we believe that the priests are always right no matter what they do; we protect everything the church says or do irregardless of its adherance to the Lord's sacred tradition that should not be changed.
If you have believed simply because 'father says so' then you have an excess of obedience.

So what is true obedience, true obedience is obedience only to God, human leaders need not be always obeyed if their teachings violate the teachings of God.
Bishops and priests ought to be obeyed as they are the successors of the apostles, but if their teachings (as fallible human beings) deviate from the teachings passed down by tradition,then there is no reason why we should follow. The truly disobedient people are those who teaches wrong doctrines built on error that is not passed down from God and the apostles.

Vatican II happened in just less then 50 years ago, but the teachings deviate from that which were consistent 2000 years ago. How then can we in our right mind, 'obediently' follow the bishops and priests who teaches things that were condemned in the past? We in SSPX, refuse to follow error, we sought to protect tradition. The tradition passed down by God that will never be changed unless our Lord explicitly says so.

So if you still think SSPX is disobedient, think again when you look at the clown mass, the growing irrevelence to God within the church, the lack of priestly vocations, the introduction of protestant/masonic ideals in church, and badly trained priests.

God will judge me for whatever I do. When I die and God asks me what have I done for the faith. I wish like Archbishop Lefebvre, the least I can say is "Lord, I have not contributed to its destruction".

God bless Archbishop Lefebvre. God bless SSPX.

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