Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Revelation or Mindless optimism?

It has come to the AATS's attention that lately that a certain heretical practice has became increasingly popular. This practice known as 'divine revelation', has been spreading through the charismatic non-denominational 'my-religion-is-not-a-religion' denominations.
These people believe that God will speak through their mouth and give them divine revelations this way. For lack of a better word i shall refer to the one receiving the 'divine revelations' a medium. The revelation usually goes this way.

1. The medium will start to pray fervantly for God to appear.
2. God starts to speak through the medium's mouth and the medium claims she/he is not speaking the words. The Lord is.
3. Everything 'God' said is considered gospel truth.

For those of you who have ever picked up a good book will probably recall the Taiping revolutions during Qing Dynasty in China.
Please take a second to read it.

It is happening here now in our country!!!!! Men has not learnt anything! Here we have people who claims that they ARE God. "How do you know if it is not God speaking through the mouths of these blessed people' you might ask me. Ill tell you why I do not believe in a SINGLE word of it.
First, Its a load of crap, its blasphemous. It takes alot of pride to believe that you are on the same position as God and you can command the Lord to talk through your mouth at will.
Second, I thought them heretics adopt the sola scriptura, the view that anything outside the bible is not to be believed? Are these heretics contradicting themselves again? Or can you claim that this is biblical? Please quote a passage from the bible that goes somewhere along the line of
"and Lo, a common gentile opens his mouth and speaks the words of the Lord while the congregation shouts amen and danced in the beat of techno music"
But given that they can have religions that are not religions and denominations that are not denominations. I will give that they are incapable of logic or reason.
Thirdly, Ive witnessed many of these 'revelations' and noticed many grammatical mistakes and pronouciation errors from these revelations. So God is perfect in all ways, but not in languages?
Fourthly, i cannot believe that ALL these revelations are unanimous and agree with each other.
So is God contradicting Himself or are the Heretics contradicting themselves?
Lastly, it seems that these revelations usually speak of things that people like to hear. Our Lord condemns error and does not say yes to everything.

I believe anyone with half a brain can see clearly that these 'divine revelations' are either a scam or words coming from mindlessly optimistic mediums. I do not deny the fact that our Lord can give revelations in that manner if He so wish but how can we know if a certain revelation is true?
So must we believe in all 'revelations'? Today i can go to a heretical temple and claim that i have the revelation. And if i say all the things that they want to believe, then my words will be words from the Lord. But infact I made up the words, how then can any christian, heretic or pagan point a finger at me and say 'you are fake'. They cannot because there is no way to prove. They cannot because they want to believe what i said was infact the words of God. (provided i say some things that they really want - like you will get a big house wealth etc) And me on my part will want to believe that i am so blessed that God speaks through my mouth. It then degenerated further into a self-deception. What good can come out of this deceptions? Nothing.
You might benefit from the effects of certain self-fulfilled prophecies, but thats the best you can get. If you are to believe in a PERSON that his words are God's. It takes admirable faith, but it also makes you dumber then dumb. Its one thing to have faith in the Lord, another to have faith in Men.

That is all. If you believe in illogical things that arent even biblical, grow some brains.

Yours Unamalagamatedly,

The Unamalagamated Inquisitor


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